Alice J Sawtelle

About Me

My HeartPaths was born out of a passion for writing and storytelling. I think this was passed down through my genes from my Pops who loved to write. It seemed that he just couldn't stop. His writings turned into pages! And more pages! He wrote on the back of any piece of paper that had a blank side.... or a blank space!  I have many of those papers today. But I've digressed. We writers tend to do that you know... go down rabbit trails as we travel along the path.

I have a heritage that is deeply rooted in the Christian faith.  I am married to a man of like faith and for that I totally give credit to God for putting us together... He and I were both retired and both widowed when we met. We believe that we are together in this season of our lives for a reason... He encourages me to excel as I pursue the quest of why I'm still here in this world that is not my home, cause I'm just a passing thru....  And I gently nudge him to live his retirement years following the dream he held for this time period!

Borrowing an introductory phrase from a column that I co-authored with my sister many years ago, "I may choose to write  in my own personal family hillbilly dialect which more often than not, leaves the rules of proper grammar and punctuation".  That is where my heritage is, in the everyday lives of my people in these 'hills' and 'hollers' of West Virginia and in the words we speak. It was on one such 'hill' where I was born.... at home!   And in one such 'holler' where I grew up. 

This platform is created as a place to share stories with hope to inspire, guide or simply a place to be understood. Guest writers bring their own uniquely flavored contributions to the table. I believe that by sharing our heart's stories, we can help light the way for others.

I hope to never offend anyone but as an old saying goes, "He who cares not about the praisers or about the fault finders has peace of mind."
Come along with me on this journey.  I hope you enjoy! 

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Lisa Walker
2 months ago

Keep it up 🖤

Steven Sawtelle
8 months ago

Love your website. Keep this going!!